Perhaps you’re just starting out, pondering on the life of an influencer and the value you can bring to market with your chosen subject of choice that you’re passionate about. Perhaps you’ve been an influencer for a while and you’ve done a fantastic job creating content and building an audience from ground zero, but are looking for smarter ways to get a brand’s attention. Either way, this blog post has you covered.
Your media kit is effectively your key to closed doors. While it doesn’t guarantee success, it’ll exponentially help your cut-through with brands and most certainly increase your chances of getting your foot in that proverbial closed door.
Think of the media kit as a videographer’s showreel or a corporate professional’s CV. The hard part, arguably, has been done, you’ve gained your audience. All you need now is to create a sleek, finished product (your media kit), ready to be sent to a brand at a moment’s notice.
Your Media Kit Must-haves: a Picture, Bio and Engagement Stats
Firstly, we advise keeping your kit brief. We can’t stress this enough! You don’t want to risk losing a potential partnership because your copy is too long! Think of this like an elevator pitch. You’re handing a tonne of information to your reader all at once. So make sure it’s digestible! We recommend 3 pages at a max.
You’ll want to include a recent and well-shot picture of yourself. Avoid a black and white filter if you can! (Unless, of course that’s in-line with your Instagram feed). You’ll want your photo to demonstrate your style and flair, and although not a prerequisite perhaps a colour palette that you utilise in your content too. This is an exercise in brand consistency. Get creative!

We love Dre’s well-lit, clear shot of him looking really dapper. Two things this conveys: professionalism and a glimpse into the target market the influencer can represent. In Dre’s case, he’s extremely popular in the men’s lifestyle and fashion world so this sits well with his brand image.
A bio wouldn’t hurt either! Make sure these are the first two things that your reader sees. Forgo professional jargon in favour of your own personal voice instead. Give your reader a chance to get to know who you are in a brief few sentences with what your passions are and what your content revolves around.
After capturing your reader’s attention, now’s the time to shed some light on your achievements so far. While a partnership between an influencer and a brand isn’t all about stats, it’s important at this stage that you represent yourself truthfully. While there’s no hard and fast rule for what to include, you’ll want to demonstrate some of your best performing platform’s stats as well as some campaign success stories (if you have any, to date).
Tie it up with a Bow
Last, but certainly not least, don’t leave things there! A great way to leave a good lasting impression would be through an email reiterating how passionate you are about their brand along with a nice, short introduction of who you are and the value you believe you can bring through partnering with that brand.
To learn more about how you can grow your brand as a content creator, subscribe to our mailing list! Want to read more now? Our blog can help you get onto the For You page of TikTok, or make you aware of common social media mistakes to avoid.